Hi everyone! Geez it has been a while since I have posted…time slips by me so fast, I can’t believe it is Thanksgiving already! I’m almost ready, I have to make a run to the store tomorrow for some last minute things that I forgot. For some reason this year I seem so disorganized, it just seems to have come upon me so quickly. I am ready to eat all of the fixin’s though, my mouth is watering for turkey! Yummmm!
I have done a few small re-do’s that I want to share with you. I had bought a small wash stand at a friends public sale last year, it needed a little attention, nothing structural, just cosmetic. I had it stored in the garage (where all of my projects have been sitting…waiting patiently for my attention) so I dug it out and brought it in, cleaned it up and wiped a coat of stain on and it turned out very nice. Below are the before and after:

Almost done:
I just wiped a coat of English Chestnut over the entire piece and what a nice transformation. Thanks Kris ~Simply Prim, I read on one of your blogs about the English Chestnut…love the color.
I finished a tissue box that I bought quite awhile ago. I may change the bottom to more black..what do you think? Should I leave it as is or change it?
I painted it black and red on top, distressed and two coats of Briwax (which I love! Thanks Kath!) love the feel of the wood with the Bri.
Do you think it looks like to much red??
I bought this child's hutch at the TS and love it, but I don’t know if I should leave it like it is or paint it, sure needs a good cleaning. The paper needs changed, should I paint the whole thing or re-paper and paint the wood? Looking for suggestions…help!! I wanted to get it finished before Christmas and decorate it but I don’t think I’m going to get it accomplished.
It is small enough that I can sit it on my mantle.
I also am starting this child's banker chair, I have it sanded (it was painted brown when I bought it) and I don’t know if I will just rub a coat of Bri on or paint a top coat to distress and then Bri. I’m still deciding on this one.
I have started my decorating. I have been reading the different blogs of to start before or after Thanksgiving. I have always waited until after T-day, but this year I have started early, I wanted to enjoy my trees for a while….time goes to fast! I put a small tree in the kitchen every year, so I have this one up (still tweaking though) I have a few more ornaments to put on yet. Sorry about the lighting on this picture…not a very good one.
I have my tree with lights set up in my living room, no decorations yet but we are enjoying it with just the lights. I hope to get the decorations on this week end….but the tree is up!!
I started to play with a few different things for the tree, every year I try to make it a little different. When I finish the decorating I will post pictures. I am very limited on space with having Dad’s bedroom in our living room so I only have half of the room to work with, that meant downsizing! I won’t have as much put out this year.
Last week was my birthday and we went for a ride..the weather was so nice, here I am in my glory…lol….
I love to ride. I have my license but I did sell my Harley, I wasn’t riding it much, I like to be a passenger so I can take lots of pictures and gawk!!! lol
I’ll leave you with one of my pictures from that day. Gods creations are so beautiful!!!
I wish all of you a wonderful and hearty Thanksgiving!! Eat lots of good food….Enjoy!!
Until next time…~Prim Blessings!